Nathan Quarderer


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Education Director (Earth Lab/ ESIIL)

Hi everyone! My name is Nate Quarderer and I’m Education Director at Earth Lab and the Environmental Data Science Innovation & Inclusion Lab (ESIIL) at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Prior to my roles here at Earth Lab and ESIIL, I spent 10 years teaching physics, math, and environmental science at Northeast Iowa Community College. I did my PhD in Teaching & Learning (Science Education) at the University of Iowa where I studied how 8th graders come to know about climate change.

Since coming to CU as a postdoc in 2020, I was involved with the Earth Data Science Corps (EDSC) program where I served as lead instructor. I’m now overseeing the ESIIL Stars internship, modeled after the ESDC, and the ESIIL Data Short Course. I’m excited to be working with the Global Sustainability Scholars (GSS) program this year with Asia Kaiser.

Check out some of my work: