Nathan Quarderer


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Education Director (Earth Lab/ ESIIL)

Hi everyone! My name is Nate Quarderer and I’m Education Director at Earth Lab and the Environmental Data Science Innovation & Inclusion Lab (ESIIL) at the University of Colorado Boulder. I’m also an Instructor at Front Range Community College where I teach Environmental Science at the Westminster campus.

Prior to my roles here at Earth Lab and ESIIL, I spent 10 years teaching physics, math, and environmental science at Northeast Iowa Community College. I did my PhD in Teaching & Learning (Science Education) at the University of Iowa where I studied how 8th graders come to know about climate change.

Since coming to CU as a postdoc in 2020, I was involved with the Earth Data Science Corps (EDSC) program where I served as lead instructor. I’m now overseeing the ESIIL Stars internship, modeled after the ESDC, and the ESIIL Data Short Course.

Check out some of my work: